Media duplication & copies

We are also proud to offer duplication and copy services for all types of media from Audio-cassettes and disks through to USB and more modern formats.

This service is aimed at those with a large distribution requirement running into hundreds or thousands of units. Depending on your requirement we can arrange the re-production of formats giving more economical per unit costs.

We can supply all types of formats and packaging requirements, completed to your specification and incorporate your branding, logo's and style.

Below is a list of the more commonly requested media formats:

  • Audio-CD
  • DVD
  • USB
  • Memory Sticks
  • Cassette
  • Layered digital formats (for production use)

We also cater for more sepcialised requests, for example incorporating Braille or Large Print onto labelling and inserts to your outgoing media, or providing customised USB sticks for marketing or raising awareness... click here to request more info or contact a member of the team.